Leading with Faith and Vision

At Restoration Life Church, we are blessed with a dedicated and passionate leadership team committed to guiding our community on a vibrant faith journey. Each member brings a unique blend of experience, wisdom, and a genuine love for God.

Meet Our Pastors

We are dedicated followers of Jesus Christ, who use our unique God-given gifts, anointing, and passions to spread God’s Word across the globe, as well as to help one another grow and follow the calling God has placed on our lives! Daniel and Judith Imagoro are the founding and lead pastors of Restoration Life Church. They are passionate about revival and families. For close to two decades they have helped strengthen the marriages of thousands of people across the world and Coach singles on how to find the will of God in choosing a spouse. Our Pastors have seen God do the impossible miracles in the lives of so many. Their passion is to raise disciples who will reflect and manifest God's power on earth. Our Pastors have four amazing children Josh, Lois, Laurel, and Janielle.

Lead Pastor

Daniel Imagoro

Daniel is called into intercessory, deliverance, and healing ministry, and receives word of knowledge from God as He prays over a person. God has done so many miracles through Him, the sick have been healed, turmoil dried up, and lives are set free. He is passionate about prayer and He is constantly interceding for nations and every member of the Restoration Life Church.

Lead Pastor

Judith Daniel-Imagoro

Judith is a lover of God and His people, passionate about revival and families. She is a woman with a powerful move of the Holy Spirit and gifts of healing, with numerous testimonies of healing, including: opening deaf ears, HIV virus healed, cancer healed, and the demons oppressed set free.
She teaches deep insight of the word of God to instill faith. Her family ministry and counseling gift have impacted thousands of marriages around the world. She and her Husband Daniel, serve people wholeheartedly.

Board Members

Grant and Hali Berry

Grant has received a commission from the Lord to help reintroduce love and unity in the family of God, according to Jesus’s prayer in John 17.
Through his writing and speaking, Grant and Hali built bridges of understanding between Israel’s Remnant (Jewish believers) and God’s children from the nations to help them Reconnect spiritually to one another. Grant and Hali are the founders of Reconnecting ministries and are part of the team and board of Restoration Life Church.

  • Heidi Amaefuna

    Heidi Amefuna is an Administrative and Pastoral care director at Restoration Life Church

  • Thomasina Sullivan

    Thomasina Sullivan is the deputy director of the Pastoral Care Team and Intercessory Team.

  • Nadine Michael

    Nadine Michael is head of the Children's Ministry at Restoration Life Church.

  • Melanie Ibarra

    Melanie Ibarra is head of the Help Team at Restoration Life Church.

  • Zipporah Gitau

    Zipporah Gitau is Head of Media Ministry at Restoration Life Church

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